Cloud Service

Maximize Your Business Value With Higher Scalability & Accessibility.

Nth Line with its decades of technical consulting proficiency offers highly beneficial cloud computing services to its clients all around the world. Providing both customized and cost-effective solutions, we always ensure greater productivity and increased efficiency for your business. Our services often include servers, databases, software, networks, analytics and other computing functions operated through the cloud.

Whether you are a start-up or a global corporation, there is a 100 % chances are you are already using cloud services in one form or the other. From sending emails online, listening to music, and watching TV to editing documents and doing your banking transactions, you are using the cloud every time. But, if you are looking at cloud-based services in Atlanta, region for your business operations then you need to consider what is on offer carefully.

As a global Cloud consultancy company in Atlanta, Unites States of America, we help organizations with the strategic execution of secure and high-performance Cloud-based services. We configure, create and drive self-mending groups and combined it with cutting edge constant monitoring and logging stages.

We Are Best At Following Services!


AWS Managed Services

We provide the public cloud services for your business with minimum security threat and making people self-reliant, and improving the speed of processes.


GCP Managed Services

We provide Google Cloud Platform services for your business with minimum security threat and making people self-reliant, and improving the speed of processes.


Server Management

The expert team at Nthline can mantain and optimize your infrastructure maintenance cost, if a brand willing to add a new feature or option.


Azure Management

The expert team at Nthline can maintain and optimize your Azure Cloud offerings helping you with maintenance cost, optimization and management of the Azure Cloud Services.


Personal Information

If you are doing any business anywhere, it's imperative that you safeguard the personal information of the people you work with; with our solutions in place, you have Zero (0) risk.


Security and Compliance

Being one of the best companies in Atlanta, United States of America, we at nth line provide immediate and personalized solutions. The security of your data is our first priority.